Date and Time
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CDT
Heart of Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce - Board Room
- Other locations occasionally
1120 Lincoln Street
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Free to Heart of Wisconsin Chamber members!
Lunch is provided.
Sponsored By: Aspirus Riverview Hospital
*Registration deadline: Wednesday July 24, 2024*
Speaker: Aspirus Health: Occupational Health Team -
Kristen Adsit, APNP and Brian Pacyna, LAT
TOPIC: Enhancing Workplace Safety Through Employee - Engaged Job Analysis
The Heart of Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce Network Exchange for Saftey Professionals is designed for our members to connect and network with other safety leaders and professionals to improve safety within all organizations by discussing information and trends, sharing insights and best practices, and offering support for common safety activities or issues at various workplaces in the South Wood County area.
You would be well suited for participation if: you are in a safety-related role within your organization, a business owner, or currently pursuing education related to workplace safety. Examples: Police Officer, Firefighter, Safety Manager, Risk Management, etc...
*To sign up for event invites please email Laura Bonner-Ridgway at: